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Sharing Your Wife with Another Man


Have you ever thought about sharing your wife with another man? The thought of sharing your wife sexually with another man may be repulsive to some, but a turn on for others. It can be a great way for couples to add adventure to their lackluster of a sex life. Say you have been married to your wife for some time and the spark you use to share is getting weaker, the case with many marriages, engaging in this type of sexual experience can breathe a new breath of fresh air into your love making activities. Sharing your wife with another man out of your own initiative and willingness is likely to lead to the following:

1. Reduces monotony in your sex life

sharing wifeThere is no need to deny it, in marriage, your sex life is never what it used to be during courtship and nothing close to what it was like for the first nights after you got married. After some time has passed, you start getting bored with seeing the same face, doing the same sex positions and hearing the same bedtime stories. You may start lusting after your friend or your neighbor’s wife and feel like you can do better with her. Instead of making secret advances, which your friend or neighbor may be making too, you can opt to share your wives. Chances are you will both break the boredom and when you come back to each other, you will have new energy, new skills, new stories to talk about and a possible rejuvenation of your marriage and sex life.

2. Fulfillment of Mutual Interest

This can be achieved if you choose a couple that you feel comfortable with and share similar interests similar to your own. This will allow your wife to feel safe with her man being with another woman. Similarly, you will feel safe that your wife is with another man that you have a level of command over. No one will feel like their being cheated on in this case. Most at times, you may feel like your friends wife is attractive a similar feeling your friend may be having over your wife. Wife sharing can help fulfill your mutual interests and eventually spice up your marriage life when you realize your wife is just as good your friend’s wife.

sharing your wife with another man

3. It makes your trust level raised

Sharing your wife is not all about the sex. It comes with other conscience awakening effects, which build trust to greater levels. How is this possible? Most people get sex outside their relationships because they cannot take any more of their partners boring sex. The moment you just have sex outside marriage, mistrusts jets in. You will also start feeling as if your partner does the same. Wife sharing gives the two of you a chance to try out other people openly. Most at times, you will realize that the emotional attachment you have to your partner is stronger than the sexual attraction you have to other people.
With wife sharing, a couple will be free to ask each other an opportunity to have sex with other people instead of doing it behind each others backs.



wife sharing 1Learn how wife sharing gives you a better marriage. Wife sharing otherwise commonly known as swinging or spouse swapping refers to the exchange of partners for sexual favors between consenting couples. This can take place in a number of contexts; it may be through spontaneous sexual behavior involving partners in an informal setting or can be in a planned set up where couples or friends agree to exchange their wives for sex. The essence of wife sharing is to derive enjoyment and fun for all parties involved in this activity.READ MORE


HotwifeSo you want a hotwife? The fact that she is your wife does not prevent her from enjoying sex with other men. And the fact that you are married to her does not mean she should be denied sexual experiences with other men that she used to enjoy before you married her. The hotwife equally needs the pleasure and excitement that comes as a result of having new sexual partners. But the big question that people normally ask themselves is how they can turn their wives into a hotwife. InREAD MORE


group sexMost people are used to sex between two people only. This is where if you have a partner, he or she happens to be the only person you normally have sex with. However, did you know there is something called group sex? Group sex has actually become very popular among both young and married couples around the world. Group sex involves partners getting into sexual activities with some other couples outside the relationship. Certain men and women are very adventurous about their sex lives than others. This is the reasonREAD MORE


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